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Veterans For Peace National Website


Veterans For Peace - Michigan Chapter 93

Made up of VFP members/supporters in Washtenaw, Livingston, Lenawee, Jackson and Hillsdale Counties

Veterans For Peace - Northern Lower Peninsula Chapter 50

Based out of the Traverse City area



Veterans For Pease Deceased Members

While not with us physically, you are wit us spiritually.... PRESENTE

  • Bob & Marie Fehribach

  • Art Flor

  • Michael Gramlich

  • Jim Grimm

  • Vivienne Kell

  • Jim McWatt

  • Bob Missirlian

  • Gene Perrin

  • Steve Saelzler

  • Harold Stokes

We also ask you to listen to “We Are Alive.” - By Bruce Springsteen with a commentary by Michael Moore, along with song lyrics at

Golden Rule Visit August 2023

Thinking About Joining The Military? - Please Read This First!

Visit our new “Thinking About Joining The Military? - Please Read This First” web page by clicking here. The page includes before enlisting, how you should be able to honestly answer some basic questions, and have realistic expectations, about military life, a link to the 24-hour ​GI Rights Hotline for people already in the military, and a link to Project YANO (Youth And Non-Military Opportunities) with information about military enlistments, the delayed entry program and resources for alternatives to the military. Also, you will find a link to the Center On Conscience And War which has information on Selective Service registration, the draft, and conscientious objector status.

About Face - Veterans Against The War (formerly Iraq Veterans Against The War)

Veterans taking action against militarism and endless wars. The organization is made up of post-9/11 service members and veterans organizing to end a foreign policy of permanent war and the use of military weapons, tactics, and values in communities across the country. As people intimately familiar with the inner workings of the world’s largest military, we use our knowledge and experiences to expose the truth about these conflicts overseas and the growing militarization in the United States.

Bring Our Troops Home

Bring Our Troops Home is dedicated to ending American involvement in endless wars in the Middle East and bringing our troops home. Further, we are committed to advocating for a change in U.S. foreign policy that does not automatically default to military intervention. And finally, we insist that the Constitution of the United States be respected and enforced, requiring a formal Declaration of War by Congress — as mandated by Article I of the Constitution — before U.S. military forces may be legitimately deployed. To achieve these goals, BringOurTroopsHome.US will focus overwhelming public support for these ideals on elected officials in Washington, D.C., using all proper levers at our disposal to accomplish our mission, including legislation, political action, and public education.

Campaign To Ban Landmines

Organization dedicated to eliminating landmine production and use.


Cost of War

Web page devoted to the true cost of war, and how these costs affect our nation and state.



Often, the people crying for war the loudest are those whom never spent a day in the military or have ever experienced war first-hand. This site gives a listing of policy makers and their (lack of) military service history.


Disability Information For Veterans

Independent website with great information about VA benefits and Social Security as it relates to veterans.


GI Rights Hotline

A network of nonprofit, non-governmental organizations that provide information to active duty/reserve servicemembers about military discharges, grievance/complaint procedures, and other civil rights. They can also be contacted by telephone at 800/394-9544.


Gray Panthers Of Metro Detroit

Local chapter of this legendary peace and justice group. Current local events calendar by clicking here. 


Homeless Initiative - U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Contains information about VA housing assistance, employment programs, health care and mental health services.



Listing of those Americans killed in the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, plus other casualty figures (i.e. wounded).

Iraq And Afghanistan Veterans of America

Advocacy group for Iraq and Afghan vets. Their Quick Reaction Force offers 24/7 free and confidential assistance to any veteran who needs it, no matter the challenge.

Mayors For Peace

Campaign of Mayors around the world working for the elimination of nuclear weapons. Michigan organizing drive information - click here

Michigan Coalition For Human Rights

Detroit based peace and justice group.


Michigan Emergency Committee Against War & Injustice  &

Detroit area anti-war group

Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency

The Michigan Veterans Affairs Agency is the central coordinating agency, providing support, care, advocacy and service to veterans and their families. MVAA was created by Executive Order 2013-2 and began operations on March 20, 2013, the 10th anniversary of Operation Iraqi Freedom. MVAA is a state government agency and is housed within Michigan Department of Military and Veterans Affairs. The MVAA also administers the Michigan Veterans Trust Fund with grants to help combat-era veterans and their families weather unforeseen, temporary financial emergencies. 


Michigan Peace Network

Statewide coordinating group for peace and justice activities

Michigan State University - Peace and Justice Studies

The Peace and Justice Studies program explores issues of human rights, social justice, peace, violence, and conflict, exploring their connections and distinctions through an interdisciplinary curriculum that stimulates students to develop the critical thinking skills necessary to face global challenges. This allows students to explore a range of thematic issues by developing a series of critical analytics that enable them to discern how power and injustice operate


Military Families Speak Out

An organization of people who are opposed to war in Iraq and who have relatives or loved ones in the military. We were formed in November of 2002 and have contacts with military families throughout the United States, and in other countries around the world. 

National Institute of Health - US National Library of Medicine

Web page with information about a variety of military-related health issues


National Coalition of Homeless Veterans

Group dedicated to helping, and ending, the plight of homeless veterans

Parents For Peace

Non-governmental public health nonprofit empowering families, friends, and communities to prevent radicalization, violence, and extremism. Helpline at 1-844-49-PEACE (call if concerned that someone they care about is becoming involved in any kind of extremism)


Pingree Detroit

Produces handmade footwear, 3D-Knit facemasks, and leather accessories in Detroit and the USA by employing US veterans and civilians.

Presente' - Veterans For Peace Deceased Members

A tradition at many Veterans For Peace Chapters is at the beginning of every meeting a remembrance is done of deceased members by calling out PRESENTE’ (present) after their names are read. While not with us physically, they are with us in spirit!


U.S. Peace Memorial
Besides the US Peace Memorial, this group also sponsors a US Peace Registry and annual Peace Prize


Swords Into Plowshares Peace Center & Gallery

The Swords Into Plowshares peace art gallery is located in downtown Detroit in the lower level of Central United Methodist Church at 33 East Adams Avenue. The Gallery is temporarily closed due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Vietnam Veterans Against The War

This group has a proud heritage of action during the Vietnam war, and is still working hard for peace and an end to senseless wars. 

War Is Over (If You Want It)

Website of John Lennon and Yoko Ono.

Wayne State University Center For Peace & Conflict Studies

Program at Detroit's WSU to train college students in peace studies and conflict resolution


Water Is A Human Right Act briefing sheet




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